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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Mar 8

St Swithun's School

Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Mar 8
Prep Headmistress' Blog

Back in May 2017 I wrote about the Wall Street statue ‘Fearless Girl’ in response to the Manchester Arena terror attack. The Fearless Girl stands defiantly in front of another statue, the Charging Bull (seen as a symbol of aggressive capitalism), and I wrote that I hoped our children at St Swithun’s would leave us determined to make a difference in the world; and determined to stand, defiantly, in opposition to the charging bull, whatever it may be in the future.

I was delighted to read that a replica of the Fearless Girl statue has been installed in London’s financial district to mark International Women's Day (which is today). With St Paul’s Cathedral as her backdrop she serves to remind us all of the importance of promoting female leadership, and encourages us all to take a stand for what we believe in and strive to make a difference.

This message chimes wonderfully with our assemblies this week. On Monday I started the week by asking the children whether it was possible to achieve anything they wanted. I shared videos of Lady Gaga accepting an Oscar, of Simone Biles’ Olympic gymnastics routine, of Millie Knight talking about her journey to becoming a double-silver Paralympic medallist, and of Greta Thunberg—the Swedish schoolgirl who has sparked a global climate debate. Our children were emphatic in their belief that it was possible to achieve anything and I couldn’t be more proud that they understood the part that grit and hard work must play.

On Wednesday we had further confirmation that our girls could change the world with our Reception class assembly. We heard all about the girls’ achievements with their activities and interests and saw what amazing progress they have been making in all sorts of areas at school—they are truly Flourishing.

Today’s assembly was a celebration of Fearless Creativity and the power of teamwork! We had our inaugural House Song Competition and we were treated to performances of Happy, Shotgun, The Bare Necessities and Dancing Queen! Robins were victorious this time, but next time who knows...

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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Mar 8