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Weekly Boarding

Weekly Boarding
in Senior

Our weekly boarders say that they enjoy being with their friends, having time to take part in lots of activities, being part of a community and being able to roll out of bed into school via breakfast. 

The benefits of weekly boarding

Flexibility and convenience for busy families
A healthy work-life balance
Great accessibility and a London bus service
Pastoral first
Friendships that last a lifetime
Leadership opportunities


What Do Our Boarders Think?

‘I have made friends and memories that I will never forget. I would recommend the boarding experience at St Swithun’s to anyone.’

‘You settle in really quickly here because there is a great support system and always someone to talk to.’

‘Coming to board at St Swithun’s is the best decision you can make. There are so many opportunities to embrace and amazing people to meet.’

‘Boarding at St Swithun’s has taught me to accept and understand alternative perspectives. The school community is so accepting and supportive of everyone.’

‘There is always someone to talk to. Whether it’s the person you sit next to in orchestra or the girl in house who helps you with your homework.’

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