We recognise that day girls and boarders have slightly different needs. We cater for this by the provision of separate houses.
Girls across day and boarding houses and across year groups are integrated through our form system and strong sense of community so that neither group is privileged over the other. We value all those who make up our school community and celebrate its richness and diversity.
House allegiance is an important dynamic within the school, and contributes to many co-curricular activities: lacrosse, swimming, public speaking, drama and music competitions are organised between the houses regardless of day or boarding status. Both types of house experience enrich the life of the school.
Day girls up to and including lower-sixth belong to one of four houses: Venta, Davies, Caer Gwent and Mowbray. All upper sixth-formers belong to Finlay, which is the only joint day and boarding house in school, reflecting the greater freedom and responsibility of the students in their final year.
Unlike a number of boarding schools, we do not expect our day girls to do their homework at school although they may of course do this if they so wish. We recognise that girls may be day girls precisely because they have sporting or musical commitments outside school which necessitate them leaving promptly at the end of the day. However, we encourage all of our day girls to take part in the wide range of activities on offer at school, and most participate in the co-curricular programme on several afternoons during the week, as well playing sports fixtures at the weekend. Girls will never again have so many activities so easily available to them and not taking advantage of them, is, we believe, missing the point of a school like St Swithun’s.