Welcome to St Swithun’s Prep School. At the centre of everything we do are our pupils, their happiness, and the opportunities we can give them.
On joining St Swithun’s, children embark on a journey where they will grow in knowledge, understanding, confidence and independence. This is achieved through the vast range of activities we offer both in and out of the classroom. Underpinning everything during their journey through the prep school is the importance of having fun.
We recognise the privilege and responsibility we have to nurture our pupils, help them flourish and to succeed. Wherever their interests lie, our dedicated staff will guide them to give their best and help them rise to any challenges they meet along the way.
A gently selective school, the academic rigour that is evident in our results is seen alongside our emphasis on providing an exciting all-round education where the pupils have plenty of fun and enjoy coming to school each day. Creative and performing arts are highly valued and there are many opportunities for our pupils to shine in these subjects throughout the year. Sport too is important, and we offer an appropriately competitive programme in a wide range of sports. Our pupils are encouraged to take risks as they build resilience and self-confidence, and to take advantage of all that is on offer at the school.
“A super school for those that love to be stretched in all directions and will thrive on the bonanza of opportunities that St Swithun’s has to offer.” The Good Schools Guide
The curriculum for our younger pupils, from the boys and girls in our pre-school to the girls-only provision from reception to year 2, is designed to draw on their natural curiosity and desire to learn. Through their questioning and exploration, as they play and have fun, they become increasingly independent and are well prepared to move into year 3. In years 3 to 6 we help our pupils pursue academic excellence whilst developing their own character and individuality.
Our timetable reflects our educational principles, with an emphasis on the core subjects of English, maths, science and computing, but also including a huge amount of sport, humanities, languages and creative arts. In addition, we offer a wide and varied extra-curricular programme. We are proud of our rich and inspiring curriculum and are committed to maintain it throughout our pupils’ time at the prep.
As pupils get ready for the move to senior school, we prepare them thoroughly and sensitively, and are mindful that this should be a stress-free transition. We support our pupils and parents through this process. Over recent years our year 6 pupils have moved on to a number of leading independent senior schools, including our own senior school, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements.
Please enjoy exploring our website where you will find much more information. However, nothing is better than seeing us in action and we would love you to come and visit the school. There is something truly wonderful about the prep school that is best experienced first-hand.
It’s who we are; it’s what we do.
Liz Norris