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Annie is passionate about all things extra-curricular at St Swithun's. She set up the environmental society and helped to cut down the schools plastic use.

What is your favourite thing about St Swithun’s?

My favourite thing about St Swithun’s is the range of activities there are available. I’ve really enjoyed all the extracurricular opportunities like debating, sport, music and drama. Some of the most enjoyable times I have spent at St Swithun’s were doing kickboxing which was both great fun and exciting to learn with my friends.

What is your ambition for the future?

My ambition for the future is to work on an international stage as I feel that the biggest problems faced by our world today can only be solved by international cooperation and diplomacy. As someone who is interested in environmental issues, I would like to work towards more sustainable development that is compatible with my environmental concerns.

What support have you had from school to help you pursue your ambitions and follow your out of school interests?

The school has encouraged me in my ambition to start an environmental club and from there our aims included trying to significantly cut down plastic bottle usage- which is already in the first stages of being implemented. The range of extracurricular available at St Swithun’s has given me the chance to try lots of new things whilst developing useful skills and meeting new people.

What character traits have you developed in your time at St Swithun’s that have made you who you are? 

During my time here I have learnt self-motivation which has been key in achieving everything that I set out to! As well as this, the school is so accepting of everyone that I have also learnt to better accept and understand alternative perspectives.

What would you say to someone thinking of coming to study at St Swithuns?

Be ready to dive straight in, the more activities you do; the more and closer friends you can make. There are so many opportunities available, the only problem will be trying not to do too many.

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