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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 16

St Swithun's School

Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 16
Prep Headmistress' Blog

This week began with a period of whole school reflection on the theme of remembrance. We considered the importance of this year’s Remembrance Day commemorations and looked at some short film clips from the First World War. We also watched a poignant animation about the effect of the war on nature and the significance of the poppy. Finally we reflected on the importance of one of our Flourish areas, Building Positive Relationships, and agreed that it was fitting that Remembrance Day should begin a week of activities to support national anti-bullying week.

Mrs Caldwell, Head of PSHEE and Lower Prep Flourish, planned some excellent events this week for national anti-bullying week. On Wednesday the NSPCC ran a Lower Prep and an Upper Prep assembly on the theme of ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe.’ As well as the assemblies the girls have all taken part in anti-bullying workshops to support them in maintaining positive relationships and helping those who might be having difficulties.

On the theme of Building Positive Relationships I have been reading an interesting book this week: The Courage to be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. This reflection on Adlerian Psychology sets out the proposition that all problems are essentially interpersonal and that a better division of tasks (i.e. getting on with your own tasks and worrying less about other peoples tasks) would lead to a happier life. He famously said, “My difficulties belong to me!” This clarion call—to take responsibility for one’s own difficulties and challenges in life—links to this mornings Flourish Assembly on the theme of Amazing Attitudes. Mrs Davies and Miss James talked to the children about the Children in Need rickshaw challenge and encouraged the children to embrace life’s difficulties and accept challenges when they inevitably meet them.

We finished the week with a very busy ‘Bear Hunt’ open afternoon for the Lower Prep! Over 20 families came to hunt for the elusive St Swithun’s bears… they battled through mud, rivers and snow and finally found their bears, snuggly and warm by the fire with hot chocolate and marshmallows! A perfect end to the week.

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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 16