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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 9

St Swithun's School

Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 9
Prep Headmistress' Blog

This week has been relatively calm after the many events last week. My assembly at the start of the week reflected on the history of bonfire night and some of the myths that surround the traditions—for example, we found out that dummies were placed on bonfires to ward off evil spirits long before the gunpowder plot and the tradition of placing a Guy on the bonfire. In an age where fake news has become common parlance, teaching the children to question what they hear, and the source of the information, has become increasingly important.

I have been impressed this week with the Year 6 girls who have started presenting their Genius Hour projects. The projects have been hugely varied so far—we have heard about the devastating effects of the trade in shark fins, diseases of the ear and Victorian schools. The girls have demonstrated excellent research skills, great use of IT applications such as Sway and confident presentation skills. The girls have also been recording their progress towards their latest Flourish targets and a number of them have chosen to focus on Building Positive Relationships. I have been thrilled to see books being recommended, children helping teachers in Lower prep, and hear that sibling relationships are being strengthened through supportive acts such as hearing a younger sibling read. Along with Contributions to the Community, Building Positive Relationships is central to the ethos here at St Swithun’s. We know that great people do great things in life, and by placing real importance on these areas we hope that we are creating the right environment for your children to learn to make great contributions to society.

I have also enjoyed looking at some of the wonderful work Lower Prep have been doing in their Discovery lessons. Year 1’s scientific understanding of forces, including work on friction and gravity, is impressive; and this half term they have produced some excellent work following on from their visit to Arundel Castle. Equally impressive is Year 2’s writing in the role of a soldier in the Crimean war—with powerful vocabulary such as desolate peppering their writing.

Our Flourish assembly today, led by Mrs Grosscurth and Mr Marshall, was a high energy whirl-wind on the theme of Activities and Interests. We learnt that Mrs Nicholson is a snowboarder, Mrs Brown plays the guitar, Miss Webb is having show jumping lessons and that Mrs Saunders was a school chess champion! We were also able to celebrate a range of the children’s achievements in their hobbies and interests including music, dressage, running, biathlon, netball and cricket to name but a few!

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Mrs Lyons-Smith's Blog Nov 9