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Why choose St Swithun's prep for your child?

Why choose St Swithun's prep for your child?
in Preschool, Pre-Prep & Prep

Why join us in Year 5? At this stage we are focused on giving the girls the best possible preparation for a secondary education in which they will be able to grasp every opportunity and thrive in everything they do. This is achieved through specialist teaching from expert primary practitioners every week including modern foreign languages, swimming, music, drama and Latin, as well as English, mathematics, science, technology, history, geography and RE.  

We recognise the value of sport to a pupil’s wellbeing, physically, mentally and socially, and host twice weekly sports afternoons for every Year 5 and 6 pupil, including competitive matches and tournaments against other schools.

Our revolutionary programme of arts afternoons takes place once a week in a suite of modern classrooms dedicated to art, design technology, food technology, music and drama. This gives the children the time, equipment, techniques and guidance to allow them to experiment, gain confidence and perfect their work. A diverse programme of extra-curricular activities facilitates further additional experiences for those children with a particular passion to create and perform.

With explicit focus on a rich and well rounded education rather than mere exam success, we leave ample time for quality enrichment work such as the annual We Are Writers published anthology, which features a piece of writing from each and every child in the prep school.

We want all our pupils to attain high performance both inside and outside the classroom. Accredited for the work we do to teach the attitudes, characteristics and behaviours of successful people, we are a High Performance Learning World Class School. This philosophy is embedded across the curriculum and all areas of school life. It systematically teaches even the youngest of pupils the skills and behaviours that will enable them to achieve the best they can during their time at school and equip them to succeed in the next stage of their education.

Year 5 is a popular entry point for welcoming girls to St Swithun’s Prep and we hope you will consider it as an option for your child. If you would like to find out more, take a tour of our beautiful grounds and meet with the Prep Head Mr Brough, please complete the form below.

If you are interested in a different point of entry for your child, please contact Mrs Sara Mathieson, Prep School Registrar who would be delighted to talk to you. Email: [email protected] or 01962 835792.

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